How to Translate Valuable Competitive Intelligence into Strategic Business Action

Today, competitive intelligence (CI) is more important than ever. However, gathering data is only half the battle. The real challenge lies in translating these insights into actionable strategies that drive business growth. Let's explore how leading companies are mastering this art.

Syngenta, a global agricultural innovation leader and 2021 CiMi.CON Award winner, demonstrates the power of effective CI translation. Facing challenges in distributing relevant insights to decision-makers, Syngenta partnered with Evalueserve to implement the AI-Enhanced Insightsfirst platform. The results were impressive:


Increase in active users


Increase in content user subscriptions


Increase in centralized intelligence volume

These metrics highlight a crucial point: when CI is easily accessible and actionable, adoption skyrockets.

Joëlle Laubner, Business Intelligence Manager at Syngenta, emphasizes the importance of balancing automation and human expertise. While AI-powered tools can efficiently gather and process data, human insight remains crucial in interpreting and applying this information strategically.


The Ultimate Guide to Integrating AI into Competitive Intelligence Programs

The Ultimate Guide to Integrating AI into Competitive Intelligence Programs Cover Image

To effectively translate CI insights into action:

  1. Tailor insights to stakeholder needs: Understand what information each team requires and how they prefer to consume it.
  2. Foster collaboration: Create feedback loops to continuously refine your CI program.
  3. Leverage technology: Use AI-powered platforms to automate data collection and processing, freeing up human resources for strategic analysis.
  4. Focus on visualization: Present data in intuitive, easily digestible formats to facilitate quick decision-making.
  5. Align CI with business objectives: Ensure that your CI efforts directly support your organization's strategic goals.

By following these principles, you can transform CI from a data repository into a dynamic tool for strategic action, driving your business forward in an increasingly competitive landscape.

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Get in touch today to find out about how Evalueserve can help you improve your processes, making you better, faster and more efficient.  

Leah Moore
Brand Journalist  Posts

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