Mind+machine™: The latest updates

Evalueserve has made great headway for our clients with our mind+machine™ approach. In particular, our automation solutions provide incredible efficiencies for our clients. In 2015 alone, we “automated away” work that would’ve taken 300,000 hours. This impressive impact doesn’t even take into account the increased productivity our clients have reported when using our tools.

Following our mind+machine philosophy, we have created tools to cover every line of service that we offer. Examples include:

  1. Financial services: Pitchbook production workflow platforms for investment banks, semi-automated model updates for equities research, and calculation engines for index product back-testing and ongoing calculation
  2. Professional services: A research management platform that handles ordering and delivery and enables knowledge management for improved re-use of the previously performed work
  3. Intellectual property and R&D: A platform that delivers enriched patent search results and technology landscapes in an integrated fashion thanks to dynamically linked data and visualization tools
  4. Digital research: A pay-as-you-go, fully mobile-enabled business research and intelligence platform called InsightBee, which is a perfect example of our mind+machine approach

We have all learned a great deal on this journey. Without an integrated process view and feedback from multiple clients, it is incredibly challenging to successfully create such platforms. Their true value only comes if they are multi-client ready, so the investment in development can be leveraged over a larger revenue pool. Agile development methodology proved critically important in the rapid and cost-effective development of these solutions. It also made it so much easier to needs-tailor them for new clients with specific requests.

The future of mind+machine lies in refinements of current platforms and in launching new platforms for new process and analytics use cases. Of course, following the same best practices that we use with our clients, we will re-purpose some of the existing building blocks. We have invested in a KM-platform called InnovationCentral, which allows us to systematically collect all of the micro- and macro-innovations made across Evalueserve and makes them accessible to everyone.

Are you interested in learning more about the mind+machine approach and its future? Let us know if there’s any aspect you’d like us to elaborate on.

Marc Vollenweider Headshot: How to Gain a Competitive Edge
Marc Vollenweider
Co-Founder and Chief Strategist  Posts

Marc Vollenweider is Chief Strategist, Board Member and Co-founder of Evalueserve. Prior to starting Evalueserve, Marc was with McKinsey & Co for 10 years, including two years as a partner in Switzerland and India. Marc has vast consulting experience in various industries, such as telecom, pharmaceuticals / healthcare, banking, insurance, transportation, and logistics.

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