5 Must-Read Data Analytics Articles

We’ve been reading up on all the good AI and data science articles on Medium and decided to highlight several of our favorite pieces. Check them out!


Tackle Problems with Data Science

We love turning data into intelligence, resolving problems, and finding opportunities. This week’s round-up on Medium publication Towards Data Science highlights several articles that discuss how to solve problems using data with an eye towards actionable intelligence. Articles highlighted include graph theory, visible data, AI’s current abilities, and better ML design. Tackling problems is what we like to see!

A Corporate Job Could Find You a Stronger Career Launch in Data Science

Having begun his career in a startup and then taking a turn in a large corporation, Arunn Thevapalan recommends starting a data science career in a larger company. His logic? “When given a data science problem, you will learn how you’ll extract data, what privacy regulation you will comply with, create a solution blueprint, participate in problem-solving discussions, and finally, how you’d communicate the business value to the stakeholders.” By the way, if you’re considering a position with us, make sure to ask your recruiter about Evalueserve.

One View of Corporate Data Science

Cornellius Wijaya detailed his views on setting up a corporate data science shop. His recommended four steps are: 1) general data science framework, 2) develop many machine learning models, 3) move to a cloud platform, and 4) be active in the [global] company data activity.

We see a lot of similar steps and enjoyed Cornellius’ thoughts.

Is the Modern Data Warehouse Broken?

Data stacks are founded on data warehouses or lakes, but is it the best model? Barr Moses takes on a debate started by Chad Sanderson on whether the data warehouse model is broken or not. A healthy discussion about active Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) versus passive ETL ensues, including some next-generation ETL thoughts.


Painting the 10 Most Beautiful Words with AI

The art world continues to actively experiment with AI> and beauty feels like a nice way to wrap up this article. Alberto Romero decided to create 10 images using “promptive” generative models and the results are stunning. See his representation of words like serendipity, solitude, and idyllic. Truly a great example of hybrid AI and human creativity.



If you’ve made it this far, we have similar interests. For more engaging articles on AI and data science, check out our blog: https://www.evalueserve.com/blog/.





Geoff Livingston
Vice President Marketing Communications  Posts

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