What Does the Post-Pandemic LNG Market Look Like?

The LNG market has proved to be more resilient in the face of the pandemic so far in 2020, compared to that of the impact made to the oil market. As major LNG demand centers across the globe have started to ease lockdown measures and are gradually opening the economy, LNG markets are witnessing significant changes.

Evalueserve believes that the LNG supply-demand situation will start to tighten by 2023, which will result in higher spot prices causing buyers to aggressively look for supply security at a more competitive pricing. For suppliers, the market will become highly competitive when the impact of COVID-19 eases. They are expected to focus on effectively managing their expiring volumes while securing offtakes and financing for their struck projects. On the demand side, though resilient, the repetition of the growth story of the last decade in 2020 will be highly unlikely. LNG demand in 2020 is expected to hover at single digits, or even in the negative, compared to the ~13% growth in 2019.

Evalueserve’s exclusive white paper analyzes such market dynamics and provides outlook for post-pandemic LNG market recovery in the medium term (2021-25), with its possible impact on supply-demand dynamics, pricing, and term contracting. This paper provides our perspective on a few of the most trending questions surrounding the LNG market, including:

  • What does the post-pandemic LNG market look like? 
  • What does the rest of 2020 have in store? 
  • Have contracting activities slowed down in 2020?
  • Contracting in 2020—What is the ‘Win-Win’ situation for buyers, suppliers, traders/aggregators? 
  • LNG Contracting—What is the way forward after the pandemic? 

Download and read our full detailed analysis by clicking the link below. 

What Does the Post-Pandemic LNG Market Look Like? 

Yashika Vats
Group Manager, <br>Oil & Gas   Posts

Yashika Vats is a professional with cross functional experience in oil and gas industry, specifically LNG. She has supported clients in various functions including strategy; competitive and market intelligence; finance and planning; and merger and acquisition. She has significant expertise in conducting knowledge management workshops, conceptualizing and building knowledge management platforms and running implementation exercises at client end.

Pritam Kumar Singh
Senior Analyst, Oil & Gas   Posts

Pritam Kumar Singh, is an oil and gas professional with significant experience in LNG space. He has worked on multiple research and analytical projects of LNG, including supply-demand analysis, new LNG sales opportunities identification, contract expiries, and competitive intelligence support. Pritam holds an extensive know how of using multiple LNG-based tools and excel-based models to visualize, analyze, and help his clients to capitalize on sales proliferation activities.

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