Covid-19 Disruption
Digital Transformation.
Establish and accelerate your digital transformation journey.
With the scale and scope of digital transformation changing almost overnight, organizations have been forced to act on their plans today, and evolve to the rapidly changing situation. Businesses are reimagining their operating models to become more agile and responsive to customers’ needs, as well as stay ahead of the competition through accelerated adoption of digital solutions, cross-functional skillsets, and AI and ML. Companies are also rapidly adopting cloud infrastructure to meet emerging business needs.
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From IoT to IoMT in Post-Covid Times: The Future of Healthcare
The Covid-19 pandemic has exposed glaring fault lines in the medical care infrastructure, and in emergency health response systems around the globe.
Accelerating Intelligent Automation, Building Resiliency for Knowledge Workers
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The new operating model has forced organizations to challenge the traditional way of doing business. Efficiency has never been more crucial than now. With a distributed workforce, access to data has become critical for timely business decision-making. On the one hand, businesses are looking to make their customer-facing functions more agile and responsive and on the other, there is a need to reimagine how the workforce operates efficiently in a new environment.
We spoke to leaders across industries and business functions and found these to be the most common challenges they foresee:
Organizations are accelerating their digital transformation to meet the challenges emanating from the COVID-19-triggered crisis. Enablers such as advanced analytics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning are at the foundation of a robust data engineering and cloud strategy being used to build an ecosystem that generates long-term value for businesses. This ecosystem is focused on digitizing fundamental business models, processes, and systems; building resiliency for teams; and delivering value to customers.
Learn how firms are leveraging these solutions to prepare for a digital future.
Read More About Domain-Specific AI For China Insights.
Digital Transformation Turning Another Leaf as Firms Deal With a Global Pandemic
Firms that embrace digital transformation and prioritize high impact transformation initiatives will emerge stronger after the pandemic.
Forecasting Strategies for Healthcare Systems During Covid-19
The increased demand on healthcare services will be compounded by the apparent increased risk of infection among healthcare workers.
The Digital & Customer Analytics Journey: Why is it more important for asset managers during Covid-19?
The interest in AI, data analytics and data initiatives has been drastically rising— especially more during the current Covid-19 situation.
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